
9 Proven Ways to Build a Stronger Team and Business in this Evolving Economy

As business owners or entrepreneurs, we all want to build a strong team to grow our business. In the process of building our team, disagreements are bound to happen.

I'm sure many people have attended a meeting where a heated conversation came up because of a disagreement. If it is not handled well, this may lead to a crack in the relationship among the team and can snowball into a bigger problem. 

This causes some level of anxiety for team members when coming into meetings, especially those that require gathering different opinions or ideas, which can turn out to be disagreements.

But did you know that it’s our lizard brain or our amygdala that activates our survival instincts when we fear disagreements? Disagreements can be healthy and even make a good impression if done right. Brainstorming, which involves disagreements, will help you work through your business’ success plan.

So how do you respectfully disagree while making the conversation productive for your company in this evolving economy? 

9 Ways to Disagree Assertively and Productively

  1. Be Respectful

Avoid treating anyone like they’re inferior. This will immediately put off the other person and create a wall between you and any good ideas. By treating everyone with respect, you can build a good impression across the group that you’re here to work towards a common goal.

  1. Understand that Disagreements are Okay

Look at disagreements as a way to sharpen ideas. This can result in new ideas being formed or better actions being considered. 

  1. Think about the Risks

Any business in this evolving economy requires a leader and team members that can accept feedback constructively. 

So instead of overthinking the risks when you disagree with an argument, you must realize that the likely worst-case scenario is that the other person will feel upset. Stop making assumptions that you’ll get fired or make an enemy when you express your disagreement.

  1. Do it in the Right Context

Always disagree with the argument, not the person. If there’s a way to voice your opposing idea before a major meeting, let the stakeholders know in advance so they may have time to look into it and assess it earlier along with the business’ success plan.

  1. Listen & Acknowledge

Before interjecting your suggestions, take the time to carefully listen to the proposal being made. Consider the positive aspects and the goal of the idea, proposal, or statement before offering your own opinion. This way, your counterpart’s idea will be validated, and you won’t come across as someone who missed their point.

  1. Stay Calm

To confidently present your case neutrally and objectively, take a few deep breaths before speaking. Your goal is to effectively communicate your idea, both clearly and effectively. 

  1. Acknowledge Authority

If you’re disagreeing with someone with authority or one of your senior team members, recognize that any changes or final say will be under their power. Show respect for their final decision.

  1. Vocalize your Point Clearly

Clear your head before you talk. Your idea, opinion, or proposal will be clearer if you have organized your thoughts into a written or mental outline. 

  1. Focus on Working Together

Working towards a shared goal is key to a business success plan. Focusing on the outcome or result will help everyone be guided when high emotions get in the way during discussions.

Building a stronger team can reap great benefits for your business. You can get the most out of the group's ideas by assertively disagreeing and concentrating on working toward the common objective. You’re bound to come up with better action plans to thrive in this evolving economy.

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Further Reading