
Why Any Time Is a Good Time to Invest

Ever wondered when the best time to invest is? You're not alone. Many people hold off on investing because they believe they need to wait for the perfect moment. But what if I told you that the perfect time to invest doesn't actually exist? Let’s find out more with the Charles Schwab Study.

The Charles Schwab Study

Let’s delve deeper into the 2022 RIA Benchmarking Study conducted by Charles Schwab. This study sheds light on the strategies and results of Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) within the industry. Here are some specific examples:

  1. Investor Segmentation
    • RIAs serve a diverse clientele, ranging from individual investors to high-net-worth families and institutions.
    • Individual Investors: These include everyday individuals seeking personalized financial advice. RIAs tailor investment portfolios based on risk tolerance, financial goals, and time horizons.
    • High-Net-Worth (HNW) Clients: RIAs often manage substantial assets for HNW clients. Their strategies may involve tax-efficient investing, estate planning, and risk management.
    • Institutional Investors: RIAs also work with endowments, foundations, and pension funds. Their focus is on long-term growth and risk mitigation.
  2. Investment Strategies
    • Passive Investing: Some RIAs follow a passive investment approach, emphasizing low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). They aim to match market returns.
    • Active Management: Other RIAs actively select individual stocks, bonds, and other securities. Their goal is to outperform the market through research and analysis.
    • Factor-Based Investing: RIAs may use factors such as value, momentum, or quality to construct portfolios. These factors drive returns beyond traditional market beta.
    • Impact Investing: A growing trend, impact investing integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into investment decisions.
  3. Results and Performance
    • RIAs achieved impressive growth in 2021:some text
      • AUM Growth: AUM increased by 19.5% from the previous year.
      • Revenue Growth: Revenue surged by 23.2%.
      • Client Base Expansion: The number of clients grew by 6.2% at the median.
    • Organic Growth: Organic growth (excluding market performance) played a significant role. RIAs attracted new clients and saw increased assets from existing clients.
    • Client Referrals: RIAs with strong client relationships benefited from referrals, contributing to their growth.
  4. Talent Acquisition and Retention
    • Recruitment Strategies: RIAs prioritize talent acquisition. They seek skilled professionals to enhance their teams.
    • Employee Value Proposition (EVP): Firms with a documented EVP attract top talent. An EVP outlines what the firm offers employees in return for their expertise.
    • Staffing Challenges: The industry faces the need for over 70,000 new staff in the next five years. Addressing this challenge is crucial for sustained growth.

In summary, the 2022 RIA Benchmarking Study highlights the resilience and success of RIAs, their diverse investor base, and the strategic approaches they employ to achieve exceptional results. 

Different Investing Strategies.

In 2022, Charles Schwab conducted a fascinating study that sheds light on the idea of perfect timing in investing. They followed four hypothetical individuals over a period of 20 years, each with a different approach to investing.

1. Peter Perfect: He is a full time investor. He researches and studies the history of all of the companies he wants to invest in. He only invests during the dip. And cash out when the stock goes up. He tries to find the best timing to invest in the market.

2. Matthew Manley: Matthew Manley is a hard worker. He earns well in his day job and manages to save up $2,000 monthly. He decided to spread his investments evenly, putting $2,000 into the market every month.

3. Rosie Ratan: Rosie recently just started with investing. She tried her best to time her investments but she couldn’t control her impulses. She had consistently bad timing every year but still invested.

4. Larry Lingard: Larry is an ordinary worker. He’s earning just enough but he still manages to save some. Larry decided that investing is too risky. He saves all of his cash in his home.

The Surprising Results

Peter Perfect timed the market flawlessly. This allowed him to get the highest returns! Proper research is Peter’s secret to his investing success..

Matthew was able to reduce his losses by investing consistently. There were months where he lost money but there were months he gained it back. He was able to grow his portfolio over time thanks to compounding interest. Patience is Matthew’s weapon!

Rosie is a new investor who consistently had bad timing in the market. But overtime, her investments paid off as she grew bit by bit and made smart investing decisions after a few years. Rosie’s portfolio outperformed Larry Lingard’s savings. Her secret? Consistency.

The Takeaway

The study's findings are clear: investing consistently over time matters more than trying to time the market perfectly. Regardless of when you invest, putting your money into the market has the potential to grow your wealth significantly.


So, what's the bottom line? Don't let the fear of timing hold you back from investing. Whether you're investing at the best or worst time, or even somewhere in between, the key is to start investing and stay consistent. Your future self will thank you for it.

Remember, investing is a journey, not a destination. Let's debunk the myth of perfect timing together and start building wealth for the future, one investment at a time.

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Further Reading